8 research outputs found

    Sentimenduen analisia euskaraz: lexiko-mailatik erlaziozko diskurtso-egiturarako proposamena

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    Nowadays, opinion texts play an important role, in fact, people read opinions before they do an activity, buy a product or take a decision. However, the amount of opinion text is increasing rapidly and reading all opinions about a subject is unfeasible. ‘Sentiment analysis’ is a part of Natural Language Processing whose aim is to process opinion texts. This work is a part of ‘sentiment analysis’ and presents a first approximation to the assignment of polarity to texts written in Basque. Rhetorical Structure Theory has been used to assign different weights to text spans and an analysis has been performed at the lexical level. This method has been compared with other approaches and the results are promising

    Advances in monolingual and crosslingual automatic disability annotation in Spanish

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    Background Unlike diseases, automatic recognition of disabilities has not received the same attention in the area of medical NLP. Progress in this direction is hampered by obstacles like the lack of annotated corpus. Neural architectures learn to translate sequences from spontaneous representations into their corresponding standard representations given a set of samples. The aim of this paper is to present the last advances in monolingual (Spanish) and crosslingual (from English to Spanish and vice versa) automatic disability annotation. The task consists of identifying disability mentions in medical texts written in Spanish within a collection of abstracts from journal papers related to the biomedical domain. Results In order to carry out the task, we have combined deep learning models that use different embedding granularities for sequence to sequence tagging with a simple acronym and abbreviation detection module to boost the coverage. Conclusions Our monolingual experiments demonstrate that a good combination of different word embedding representations provide better results than single representations, significantly outperforming the state of the art in disability annotation in Spanish. Additionally, we have experimented crosslingual transfer (zero-shot) for disability annotation between English and Spanish with interesting results that might help overcoming the data scarcity bottleneck, specially significant for the disabilities.This work was partially funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MCI/AEI/FEDER, UE, DOTT-HEALTH/PAT-MED PID2019-106942RB-C31), the Basque Government (IXA IT1570-22), MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 and European Union NextGeneration EU/PRTR (DeepR3, TED2021-130295B-C31) and the EU ERA-Net CHIST-ERA and the Spanish Research Agency (ANTIDOTE PCI2020-120717-2)

    Erroreak automatikoki detektatzeko tekniken azterlana eta euskararentzako aplikazioak

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    In this article, we study the techniques used for detecting errors in Natural Language Processing (NLP). We classify the techniques according to their approach (symbolic or empirical), and then we describe them in depth. Following that, we describe the systems we have developed for detecting syntactic errors in Basque, by using that technique as a criterion for the classification of those systems, and enhancing it with examples

    Euskararako analizatzaile sintaktiko estatistikoa hobetzeko teknikak

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    This paper presents a set of experiments to improve the results of the statistical syntactic analyzers for Basque. The present work has examined different techniques: i) tree transformations, ii) stacking, and iii) combinations of the output of several parsers. All the results have been obtained using gold morphosyntactic tags coming directly from the treebank and using automatic mophosyntactic tags coming from morphological analysis and disambiguation module.; Artikulu honetan euskararako analizatzaile sintaktiko-estatistikoen emaitzak hobetzeko helburuarekin egindako esperimentu-multzoa aurkezten da. Lan honetan teknika ez-berdinak aztertzen dira: i) zuhaitz-transformazioak, ii) analizatzaileen pilaketa, eta iii) analizatzaile-modelo desberdinen irteeren konbinazioa. Emaitza guztiak zuhaitz-bankutik zuzenean hartutako urre-patroiko ezaugarri morfosintaktikoak erabiliz eta analisi morfologiko eta desanbiguatze-moduluetatik hartutako ezaugarri morfosintaktiko automatikoak erabiliz egin dira

    Dependentzia Unibertsalen eredura egokitutako euskarazko zuhaitz-bankua

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    Hizkuntzaren Prozesamenduan kokatzen den Dependentzia Uniber-tsalen proiektuaren helburua da hainbat hizkuntzatan sortu diren dependentzia-ereduan oinarritutako zuhaitz-bankuak etiketatze-eskema estandar berera egokitzea. Artikulu honetan, eredu horretara automatikoki egokitu den euskarazko zuhaitz-bankua aurkez-ten da; halaber, egokitzapen-lan hori nola gauzatu den deskribatzen da eta, azkenik, ho-rretan oinarrituta, azaltzen da zer antzekotasun eta zer desberdintasun diren jatorrizko zuhaitza-bankuaren eta Dependentzia Unibertsalen eredura egokitutako zuhaitz-ban-kuaren artean.; In the Natural Language Processing research area, the aim of the Uni-versal Dependencies project is to convert dependency based treebanks developed in different languages into the same standard tagging scheme. This article presents the automatic conversion of the previously existing Basque treebank into this universal tagging scheme. This work describes how the conversion process has been carried out and highlights the similarities and differences between the original Basque treebank and the Universal Dependency based version of it

    Exaeskalarako sare-interkonexioen diseinurako helburu-aniztasuneko optimizazioa

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    Exascale performance will be delivered by systems composed of millions of inter-connected computing cores. The way these computing elements are connected with each other (network topology) has a strong impact on many performance characteristics. In this work we propose a multi-objective optimization- based framework to explore possible network topologies to be implemented in the EU-funded ExaNeSt project. The modular design of this system’s inter-connect provides great flexibility to design topologies optimized for specific performance targets such as communications locality, fault tolerance or energy-consumption. The generation proce-dure of the topologies is formulated as a three-objective optimization problem (minimizing some topological characteristics) where solutions are searched using evolutionary techniques. The analysis of the results, carried out using simulation, shows that the topologies meet the required performance objectives. In addition, a comparison with a well-known topology reveals that the generated solutions can provide better topological characteristics and also higher throughput in almost all evaluated scenarios.; Exaeskala errendimendua milioika kalkulu-nukleoz osaturiko sistemak erabi-liz lortuko da. Elementu horiek konektatzeko moduak (sare-topologia) izugarrizko eragina du hainbat errendimendu ezaugarritan. Lan honetan, sare-topologiak diseinatzeko helburu-anizta-suneko optimizazioan oinarritutako ingurune bat proposatzen dugu, EBk finantzatuta ExaNeSt proiektuan garatzen ari garena. ExaNeSt sistemaren sarearen modulartasunari esker sare-topolo-gia ezberdinak diseinatu ditzakegu hainbat errendimendu-helburu optimizatzeko; esaterako, in-guruko komunikazioak, hutsegite-tolerantzia eta energia-kontsumoa. Topologiak sortzeko pro-zesua optimizazio bidez gauzatzen da (sare-topologiaren hainbat ezaugarri minimizatuz) teknika ebolutiboak erabilita. Simulazio bidezko emaitzen analisiak sortutako topologiek errendimen-du-helburuak betetzen dituztela erakusten du. Gainera, sare-topologia ezagun batekin egindako konparazioan ikus daiteke gure proposamenak sortzen dituen sareek propietate topologiko ho-beak dauzkatela eta, aldi berean, errendimendu handiagoa lortzen dutela